Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Englsih notes

Englsih notes

Literary devices


- hints and clues to suggest what will happen later

Flash back

-interjected scene that takes narrative back in time from the current form


-is descriptive that evokes sensory experiences it can appeal to any of the 5 senses

conflict-is the challenges faced by the protagonist

Dramatic Irony

-contrast between what the character thinks is true and what the readers know to be true

Verbal irony

-contrast of what is said and what is meant


Situational irony

-contrast between what happens and what is expected

Narrative writing

Porpouses - entertain , inform , teach , change social opinion


-fairy stories

-mysteries-science fiction


-horror stories

-adventure stories




-historical narratives

-personal experiences



- characters with defines personalities

-dialog verb tenses may change

descriptive language to create images in the readers mind and enhance the story



-complication or problem









is a"careful critical , disciplined inquiry varying in technique according to nature and condition of the problem identified ,the clarification or resolution of a problem

What can not be classified as research

-accumulation of facts

-transfer of information

-comparison and correlation

-overworked topics

-insufficient sources of data

Research is for the:

-solution of a problem



-the expansion or verification

-for presentation and improvement

Purpose of research

-to discover facts about known phenomena

-to find answers to practically solved questions

-to improve existing techniques

-to develop new instruments or products

-to discover previously unrecognized substances

-to order related generalizations

-to provide basis for decision making

-to satisfy researchers curiosity

-to find answers to questions

- to improve educational practices

-to promote health and prolong life

-to provide man with more basic handiwork

-to make work travel and communication faster

Characteristic of a good research

-is systematic- is controlled or empirical

-is analytical-employs hypothesis ,is original work

-is done by expert-is done by observation/investigation

-is patient and unhurried activity

-is objective unbiased and logical

-requires an effort making capacity

-requires courage

classification of action research

-according to research

-predictive directive and illuminative

-according to goal

-basic or pure applied researches

-according to the level of investigation

-explanatory descriptive and experimental

-according to type of analysis

-analytic and holistic approach

classification of action research

-according to scope

-action research

-according to choice of answers

-evaluation and developmental researches

-according to statistical content

-quantitative and non-quantitative researches

-according to time element

-historical descriptive and experimental researches

According to research

-predictive-has purpose of determining the future operation of the variables under investigation with the aim of controlling such better

-Directive- determines what should be done based on the findings

-Illuminative- concerned with the interaction of the components of the variable being investigated

According to goal

-Basic or pure - is done for the development of theories or principles it is conducted for the intellectual pleasure of learning

-applied - the application of the results of the pure research

According to levels of investigation

-Exploratory - researchers studies the relationships of the variables on each other

According to type of analysis

-analytic- researcher attempts to identify and isolate the components of research situation

-holistic- begins with the total situation focus in attention on the system

According to the choice of answers to the problems

-evaluation research-all possible courses of action are specified and identified and researcher tries to find the most advantages

-developmental research-focus on the finding or developing a more suitable instrument or process that has been available

Parts of a research paper

"chapter of problem and its scope"

§ *Introduction

v -rationale

v -theoretical background

§ *the problem

v -statement of the problem

v -statement of assumptions

v -statement of hypothesis

v -significance of the study

§ *research methodology

v -research environment

v -research respondents

v -research instruments

v -research procedures

o Gathering of data

o statistical treatment of data

§ *definition of key terms

§ *organization of the study

  1. These are declarative and interrogative sentences that include important aspects of research. = Statement of the Problem
  2. A description of the place or locale where the study is conducted. = Research Environment
  3. It is composed of discussions of facts and principles to which the present study is related. = Related Literature
  4. It contains a description like gender, age and economic status of the subjects or targets = Research Respondents
  5. Are studies, inquiries, or investigations already conducted to which the present proposed study is related = Research Respondents
  6. They are definitions taken from dictionaries, encyclopedias, magazines and other sources = Conceptual
  7. It is an interpretation of the term as it is employed = Operational
  8. Brief description of the problem situation and the reason for conducting the study = Rationale
  9. A tentative conclusion or answer to a specific question raised at the beginning of the investigation = Statement of Hypothesis
  10. Tells about the people, groups, communities who will benefit from the study = Significance of the Study
  11. A type of hypothesis which states that there is no difference between two phenomena = Null
  12. It is a self-evident truth based upon a known fact or phenomenon = Assumption
  13. This part contains an enumeration of all the contents of the research paper. = Organization of the Study
  14. This contains alphabetical list of important terms used in the study and their definitions = Definition of Key Terms
  15. It illustrates statistical formulae that are used in the study = Distribution of Respondents
  16. Describes the tools used in gathering data = Instruments
  17. A part of data gathering which includes tallying, analyzing, and interpreting. = Data processing
  18. A type of hypothesis which states that there is a difference between two phenomena = Operational
  19. It serves as a foundation of the proposed study = Theoretical Background
  20. It presents a schematic diagram of the paradigm of the research and discusses the relationship of the elements/variables therein. = Conceptual Framework

Exercise II.

  1. This study is anchored on the theory of Clark (2001) which states that film and video are among the historians most effective teaching tools = Theoretical Background
  2. Witth all the accounts presented, the researchers conduct this study to identify the effectiveness of film showing as an instructional method of teaching = Significance of the Study
  3. This endeavor has 4 chapters. Chapter 1 has five main parts. These are the Problem and Its Scope, Research Methodology, Definition of key terms, and Organization of the study. = Organization of the study
  4. Film. An instructional material that presents motion pictures for the students better understanding of lessons = Definition of Key Terms
  5. Another method used in this study is percentage which is computed using this formula = Statistical Treatment of Data
  6. To gather accurate information, the researchers formulated a survey questionnaire. = Research Instrument
  7. After tallying and tabulating the data gathered, the researchers analyzed and interpreted them. = Data Processing
  8. This study was answered by 200 HS Students, ages 12-17yrs old. = Research Respondents
  9. This study use the descriptive normative method of research in determining valuable information. = Gathering of Data
  10. High School Students. This study can develop the students critical thinking. = Significance of the Study

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