Monday, December 7, 2009

Chem notes 2

charls dalton billard -ball
jj thomson rasin -bred/ plum pudding & dicovered elections
ernest rutherford -fried egg & discovered nucleus
neils bohr -planetary
scrodinger -wave like
james chadwick -neutrons
goldstein -protons
john newlands -arranged by octives
lothar mayer -according to atomic mass
dimitri mendeleev -father of modern periodic table (according to increasing atomic mass

The order in which subshells are filled can be more easily memorised by following the arrows in the diagram

Memory aid for order of filling sub-shells

name Power
S sharp 2
P Principle 6
D defused 10
F Fundamental 14

F>P Metal
F+P/F>P by 1 Non-metal
F>P by 2 Metalloid
F is 8 Noble Gas

ionization Energy -used to remove electron
Electron Affinity -released when a electron is removed

Atomic Size
Metalic property

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